sobota, 4. april 2015

Ljubljana - Dubrovnik

Letalo: Canadair CL-600 Regional Jet CRJ-900

  • Departure: LJLJ RWY12
  • Route: DOL UL868 ROKSA UY450 NERRA
  • Arrival: LDDU ILS RWY12

V Ljubljani vklopljen Tower radar a se ne odziva. Letel na višini FL330. Čas poleta približno eno uro.

Na krovu 50 potnikov in 500 lib prtljage. Hitrost poleta 540 vozlov. Pihal veter s hitrostjo 70 vozlov. 

Vreme: LDDU 040930Z 20007KT 140V240
CAVOK 11/M04 Q1016 NOSIG

Metar Decoder: 
Location: LDDU
Day of month: 04
Time: 09:30 UTC
Wind:  True direction = 200 degrees, Speed: 7 knots
Wind direction is variable between 140 and 240
CAVOK conditions: Visibility 10 km or more,
    no cloud below 5.000 feet or below the MSA (whichever is greater), 
    no cumulonimbus, and no significant weather fenomena in
    the aerodrome or its vicinity
Temperature: 11 degrees Celsius
Dewpoint: -04 degrees Celsius
QNH (Sea-level pressure): 1016 hPa
No significant changes expected in the near future
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